Page:Kosovo Council of Europe Observation Mission Kosovo Assembly Elections 2004sginf24.pdf/8

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SG/Inf (2004) 24 3.



A fundamental part of any observation mission is to hold regular meetings with representatives of all relevant institutions, political entities, technical, administrative and logistical bodies involved in the preparations for the election. Accordingly therefore, during the reporting period, the Core Team (HoM, DHoM, FOD – together and/or separately) held the following meetings: a) The international community and electoral bodies Charles BRAYSHAW, Principal Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Deputy Head of UNMIK, Ambassador Pascal FIESCHI, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMiK), Jens MODVIG, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMiK), Janie SITTON, Chief Commissioner, Election Complaints and Appeals Commission Lars LAGERGREN, Director, OSCE Department of Election Operations (DEO), Johan TE VELDE, Director, OSCE Department of Democratisation. Adnan MEROVCI, Chief Executive Officer, CEC Secretariat b) Political entities and religious leaders Ibrahim RUGOVA, President of Kosovo, Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK); Bajram REXHEPI, Prime Minister of Kosovo (PDK) Hashim THAÇI, President, Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK); Ramush HARADINAJ, Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK); Edita TAHIRI, Leader of the Democratic Alternative of Kosovo (ADK) Sylejman ÇERKEZI, Leader of the Justice Party (PD); Veton SURROI, Founder, Citizens’ List ORA Ylber HUSA, President , Citizens’ List ORA Oliver IVANOVIĆ, member of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency, Leader of the Povratak Coalition (KP) Dragiša KRSTOVIĆ, Leader of the Povratak Coalition caucus in the Kosovo Assembly; Faik MAROLLI, Deputy Leader, Democratic Albanian Ashkali Party of Kosovo (PDASHK); Bishop ARTEMIJE, Head of the Serb Orthodox Church in Kosovo; Naim TERNAVA, President of the Islamic Community of Kosovo; c) Diplomatic Liaison Offices Fernando GENTILINI, the personal representative of Javier Solana for Kosovo Heads/Acting Heads of the Liaison Offices in Pristina of the Netherlands, Greece, France, USA, Italy.