Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/109

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Lâl, drying her tears and caressing her, said, "One day I will tell you, Bhramar, not to-day."

"Why not to-day?"

"You are still a child, and such matters are not fit for your ears."

"Shall I be old by to-morrow?"

"I shall not tell you to-morrow. You shall know in two years' time. Ask nothing further to-day, Bhramar."

Bhramar uttered a deep sigh. "Let it be so. Tell me after two years. I had a great desire to know, but if you won't tell me, how shall I hear about it? I feel very much upset."

How was it that the darkness of a heavy sorrow fell on Bhomrâ's mind? As in a spring sky, fair, blue, bright, nothing to be seen anywhere, suddenly a cloud arising darkens the whole heavens; Bhomrâ felt as though in her breast a cloud had arisen and filled it with gloom. Her eyes filled with tears, but she thought, "I am crying without a cause; I am very wicked; my husband will be angry." So, still weeping, she went out of the room, sat down in a couch, stretched out her feet, and began to