Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/120

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mother, to Hâri, to Târi, to Pâri, and to every one she met, at length, hale in body and in cheerful spirits, bathed in Bârunî's crystal waters.

She had thus conveyed to all these people the fact that the unfortunate Rohini had walked in Gobind Lâl’s garden. One listener soon became ten, the ten became a hundred, the hundred swelled to a thousand. That sun, whose early rays were as yet not hot when Khirodâ first spoke of Rohini in the presence of Bhramar, had not set, when the fact was proclaimed from house to house that Rohini was favoured by Gobind Lâl.

How it grew from the simple garden matter to unmeasured passion, from unmeasured passion to unlimited jewellery, and to how many other matters! I, oh ye ladies of good family, full of artful rumours and scandal-loving—I, a man, and but a poor truth-telling writer, care not to dwell upon at length to you.

Gradually the news reached Bhramar.

First came Binodini, saying, "Is this really true?"

Bhramar, with shrinking face and bursting breast, asked, "Is what true, Thâkurji?"