Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/211

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her the punishment of sin. I will check the tide of sin. Why is this disagreeable to me? I can't say; but I think if I had walked in straight paths I should not have felt as I do. It is because I have followed crooked paths that I shrink. And then, who am I that I should punish sin or reward righteousness? He who will punish sin or reward righteousness in me is also Rohini's judge. I cannot tell, but perhaps He has appointed me to do this work. How do I know?"

"O Krishna! thou who ever livest in my heart,
I can do nought save what thou biddest me."[1]

As he thus mused, the night deepened. He saw Rohini approach with noiseless step and take her stand near him. To make certain, Nishâkar asked, "Who is that?"

Rohini also, for the same reason, asked the same question.

"I am Râs Bihâri."

"And I am Rohini."

"Why are you come so late?"

"I had to watch my opportunity. How could I tell but some one might see me from

  1. The author quotes from the Bhagavad gîta, a Sanscrit philosophical poem.