Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/214

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and become an exile? What are you, Rohini, that for your sake I have deserted Bhramar, who is unequalled in the world, a comfort to my thoughts, a never-failing source of joy, nectar in sorrow?"

With these words, no longer able to restrain the tide of sorrow and passion, Gobind Lâl spurned Rohini away with his foot. Rohini sat down; she said not a word, but fell a-crying. Gobind Lâl did not see that she was weeping, he said, "Stand up, Rohini."

Rohini stood up.

"You once went to destroy yourself. Have you the courage again to die?"

Rohini now desired to die. In agonised tones she said, "How can I not wish to die? My destiny is fulfilled."

"Then stand still; don't move."

Rohini remained standing. Gobind Lâl opened the pistol-case and took out a pistol. It was loaded—it was always kept loaded. Holding the pistol in front of Rohini, Gobind Lâl said, "Well, are you ready to die?"

Rohini meditated. The day that she had gone so easily, so calmly to drown herself in the Bârunî waters, Rohini had forgotten.