Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/216

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the second year.

That night the chokidâr gave notice at the police-station that a murder had been committed at the Prasâdpur factory. It happened that the police-station was about twelve miles distant from that spot. The dârogâ arrived about nine o'clock on the next day and began his investigation. He noted down the facts of the case as prescribed by law, examined the dead body, and sent in a report. Then, placing Rohini's body on a bullock cart, he sent it in charge of a chokidâr to be examined by the doctor. He then bathed and ate his dinner. Now at his ease he set about searching for the guilty person. Where was he? Gobind Lâl had not re-entered the house since he fled from it on slaying Rohini. Who could say how far he had gone in the night and the day that had