Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/219

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third year.

Bhramar did not die. Why, I cannot say. It is one of the greatest evils in this world that no one dies at the right time. All die out of season. That, I think, was the reason Bhramar did not die. However, she had recovered in some measure from her illness. Bhramar was again in her father's house. The news brought home by Mâdhabi Nâth was communicated in great secresy by his wife to the eldest daughter, who passed it on, confidentially, to Bhramar. Now the eldest sister, Jâmini, said—

"Why does he not come and dwell in the house of Haridrâ? If he did, I fancy there would be no danger."

"How would there be no danger?" asked Bhramar.

Jâmini.   "He lived at Prasâdpur under a