Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/221

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Jâmini.   "And if he comes?"

Bhramar.   "If it be for his welfare to come here, I will pray to the gods with all my heart that he should do so; if it be better for him not to come, I will pray earnestly that he shall never again be seen in Haridrâ. May the gods enable him to live in security."

Jâmini.   "I think, sister, that you ought to live there. Who knows but some day, being short of money, he may appear there? Suppose he does not trust the Âmlâ, and won't see them? Then if he doesn't see you he may go back again."

Bhramar.   "And I so ill!—now worse, now better. I may die at any time. Under whose care should I stay there?"

Jâmini.   "If you like, one of us will stay there with you; in any case you ought to live on the spot."

Bhramar (after some thought).   "Well, I will go. Tell mother to send me to-morrow. None of you need come now. But in the day of my trouble mind you come."

"What trouble, Bhramar?"

"If he should come."

"How can that be a trouble, Bhramar?