Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/228

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painted marks on his back with the juice of the rangan tree. One can do everything for a thousand rupees, and these he showed to the judge.

The third witness gave evidence to the same effect. The judge discharged the defendant, the evidence being insufficient, and, being much dissatisfied with Pichel Khân's doings, directed the magistrate to inquire into them.

Gobind Lâl was amazed to find the witnesses so favourable to him at the trial, but when he saw Mâdhabi Nâth among the crowd he understood the whole. Though discharged he had to return to the gaol, as he could not be released till the gaoler had received a written order to that effect. When he arrived at the gaol Mâdhabi Nâth went to him and whispered in his ear, "When you leave the gaol come and see me, I lodge in such a place."

But Gobind Lâl did not go to Mâdhabi Nâth. Where he did go no one knew. Mâdhabi Nâth sought him for four or five days, but found no trace of him, so he was obliged to return alone to Haridrâ.