Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/231

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what you predicted of me, for I am, to-day, about to beg something of you.

"I am now destitute. I have spent the last three years in beggary. I went to a place of pilgrimage, and there lived on alms. Here I get none, and am dying for want of food.

"I had one refuge, my mother at Benares. But my mother is dead. I suppose you know that. So now I have no refuge, no food.

"So I thought I must once more show this guilty face in Haridrâ, or I cannot obtain food. What feeling of shame is left to one who deserted you without a cause, who lived with another woman, and even slew her? How can one who has nothing to eat feel shame? I may show my guilty face, but you are the owner of the property, the house is I yours. I have acted hostilely against you, is it likely that you will take me in? Impelled by hunger I have applied to you for help, will you grant it?"

The letter written, Gobind Lâl hesitated long, but at last posted it. In due time it reached Bhramar, who immediately recog-