Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/250

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Gobind Lâl's possessions fell to his sister's son, Sachi Kânta, who was now of full age.

Sachi Kânta came daily to walk in that ruined garden, formerly Gobind Lâl's pleasure garden, now a dense jungle. He had heard the whole of that sorrowful story. Day by day he sat there thinking it over, and after a time he began to restore the garden. He had a handsome iron railing again prepared, and a splendid flight of steps built of black marble descending to the water. He made flower beds, and planted therein rows of beautiful shrubs, yet among them none bearing coloured flowers. The bakul and jasmine of indigenous, and the cypress and willow of foreign trees were included. He erected a temple in place of the summer-house, but had no gods or goddesses placed in it.