Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/252

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With clasped hands Sachi Kânta said, "The property is yours, I entreat you to stay and enjoy it."

"A gift of more value than all possessions, beyond the reach of Kuvera himself, is mine. I have obtained that which is sweeter, more holy than even Bhramar. I have found peace. Wealth is nothing to me. Do you remain in possession."

Sachi Kânta asked humbly, "Is peace to be found in asceticism?"

"Not always. Only for the sake of dwelling in secrecy have I adopted this disguise. Only by placing one's thoughts at the feet of the Divine Being can one obtain peace. He alone is now my wealth. He is my Bhramar, and more than Bhramar."

With these words Gobind Lâl went his way, and was never again seen in Haridrâ village.