Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/259

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Khânsamâ.   The house steward or butler.

Khayer.   The resinous gum of the Mimosa Catechu.

Kokil.   The Indian cuckoo. Its notes are associated with all the joys and sorrows of a Bengali villager.

Kothi.   A factory, warehouse, or large brick building.

Kuber, or Kuvera.   The god of riches—the Hindu Plutus.

Lakh.   One hundred thousand.

Lâthiyâl.   A man armed with a lâthi or stick, employed by zemindars, planters, and others to enforce their orders.
Mahâdeva.   A name of the god Siva, usually represented as riding on a bull.

Mahâshay.   A gentleman; a form of respectful address.

Muharrir.   A writer; a clerk who writes English.

Naib.   A deputy or assistant.

Naik.   An overseer.

Nâmâbali.   A garment worn by Brahmans, bearing the names of Hindu deities.
Pâpiyâ.   A bird of the cuckoo species, with shrill crescendo notes.
Pandit.   One learned in the Sanscrit language and literature, or in Hindu law.

Peon, or, Piyâda.   An office servant or messenger.

Pirân.   A long coat usually worn by educated natives.

Rangan.   The Ixora bandhuca, an ornamental flowering shrub, used for dyeing.
Rattika.   A creeping shrub, the pods containing beautiful scarlet seeds, with a black spot, which are strung together for necklaces.

Râyat, or, Ryot.   A peasant or cultivator.

Sannyâsi.   A Brahman who has renounced all worldly ties—an ascetic.