Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/51

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steps. Gobind Lâl saw in the clear water the reflections of that radiant statue, of the moon and of the golden flowered trees. All was beautiful; hard-heartedness alone not beautiful. The Creator is merciful, man unmerciful. Gobind Lâl felt the influence of Nature; his thoughts might have been expressed in the words of the poet—

"The book I read is Nature's;

There simple truths appear,

And though she change her features,

Her dictates still are clear."

Again he spoke to Rohini. "If you are in any trouble let me know about it, to-day or to-morrow, If you cannot speak of it yourself let me know through one of the ladies of the family."

Rohini at last summoned courage to speak. She said: "One day I will tell you. Not to-day. One day you must hear what I have to say."

Gobind Lâl, assenting, went towards the house. Rohini springing into the water, kalsi in hand, began to fill it.