Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/55

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Kumati (Malevolence).   "I have not given the will to Hara Lâl. What ruin have I caused?"

Sumati.   "Return Krishna Kanta's will to Krishna Kanta."

Kumati.   "Bah! When Krishna Kanta shall ask me, 'Where did you get this will? and how came another will, a forged one, to be in my drawer?' then what shall I say? A fine thing this! that would be sending both me and my uncle to gaol."

Sumati.   "Then why not fall weeping at the feet of Gobind Lâl, and tell him the whole matter. He is compassionate, and will certainly protect you."

Kumati.   "That is all right. But Gobind Lâl must necessarily tell Krishna Kanta all about it, otherwise the change of will cannot be rectified. If Krishna Kanta sends us to the police station how can Gobind Lâl protect us? Rather take this other advice. Keep silence until after Krishna Kanta dies, then, as you suggest, I shall go to Gobind Lâl, fall at his feet, and give him the will."

Sumati.   "Then it will be useless. The will found in Krishna Kanta's house will be received as the genuine will. And should