Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/66

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Next day at early dawn Gobind Lâl was standing at the open window of his bedroom. It was not quite dawn, a little of the night remained. As yet the kokil had not tried his first notes from the clump of flowering shrubs in the little court of the house, only the doyal had begun to sing. The cool breeze of dawn had arisen. Gobind Lâl had opened the window and was standing in front of it to inhale the fragrance of the jasmine, gardenia, and other sweet-scented flowers borne in upon the cool, refreshing air. Just then a girl of slender figure came and stood beside him.

Gobind.   "Why, what brings you here?"

"And what brings you here?" replied the girl. We need scarcely say that she was Gobind Lâl’s wife.