Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/73

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Bhramar.   "You tell me first."

Gobind.   "You first."

Bhramar.   "Why should I speak first?"

Gobind.   "Because I wish to hear."

Bhramar.   "Must I speak truly?"

Gobind.   "Speak the truth."

Bhramar was on the point of telling Gobind Lâl, but could not bring herself to do so. In shamed silence she bent her head.

Gobind Lâl understood; he had done so from the first; knowing the difficulty he had put these teasing questions. Bhramar firmly believed that Rohini was guiltless. She believed in her innocence as firmly as she did in her own existence. But she had no reason for this faith beyond the simple fact that Gobind Lâl had said he believed Rohini was innocent. Gobind Lâl's faith was Bhramar’s faith; Gobind Lâl knew that well enough, for he knew Bhramar. That is why this little dark one loved him so.

Laughing, Gobind Lâl said, "I will tell you why you are on Rohini’s side."

Bhramar.   "Why am I?"

Gobind.   "Because she does not say you are black, but rather of a bright brown colour."