Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/75

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Gobind Lâl put in an appearance at Krishna Kanta Râi's principal Kachari. Very early in the morning the Kartâ was attending to the duties of his court. Seated on a cushioned throne, smoking a golden huka, he was as it were a god among mortals. On one side were heaps of bundles of memoranda, ledgers, receipts, balance sheets, rent papers, cash books, &c., and on the other the Nâibs, Gomashtâs, Kârkuns, Muharrirs, Tahsildâr, Âmins, Pâiks, and tenants. In front, her head bent, her face veiled in her drapery, Rohini.

Gobind Lâl was a favourite nephew. Entering the court he asked, "What has occurred, uncle?"

At the sound of his voice Rohini slightly opened the veiling scarf and glanced at him. Gobind Lâl scarcely paid any heed to the answer given by Krishna Kanta; he