Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/78

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winnowed out of the village.[1] She shall not return to my domain."

Gobind Lâl again asked the unhappy woman, "What do you say, Rohini?"

Rohini.   "What does it matter?"

Gobind Lâl was astonished at this reply. After thinking awhile he said to Krishna Kanta, "I have a request to make."

Krishna.   "What is it?"

Gobind.   "Let this woman go for a little. I will be surety for her, and bring her here at ten o'clock."

Krishna reflected.   "It is as I thought. I see the boy has some object in view." Aloud he said, "Where will she go? Why should I release her?"

Gobind.   "It is necessary to get at the true story. She will not reveal it in the presence of so many. I will take her indoors and question her."

Krishna reflected.   "I will shave the heads of the whole lot of her people. The boys of this generation are shameless! Wait, you scamp, I shall know how to deal with you." Aloud he said, "Very good." And

  1. The greatest indignity that can be inflicted on a Hindu woman.