Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/82

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of belief, but how can you know? Occasionally I even believe improbable stories."

Rohini thought, "Otherwise, why should I be sitting here to die for you? Well, I am prepared for that, nevertheless. I will put you to the test." Aloud she said, "That is because you are magnanimous. But what is the use of telling you this wretched being's troubles?"

Gobind.   "To give me a chance of helping you?"

Rohini.   "What help can you give me?"

Gobind Lâl thought, "I never came across such a woman, but she is distressed, one can't easily give her up." Aloud he said, "If I can, I will plead with the Kartâ for you, and he may let you go."

Rohini.   "And if you do not plead for me, what will he do to me?"

Gobind.   "You heard."

Rohini.   "He will turn me out of the village with a shaven head covered with curds. I cannot understand it at all. If I am so disgraced it will be a mercy to drive me out of the country. If I am not driven out I shall go of my own will. How can I show my face here again? The curds are