Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/86

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Gobind.   "You said yourself, you wished to do so."

Rohini.   "I said so in shame, but why do you say it?"

Gobind.   "You and I must not see more of each other."

Rohini perceived that Gobind Lâl understood all. She was at once confounded and delighted. She forgot all her suffering and once more desired to live. Now she wished to stay in the village. Man is very dependent. Aloud she said, "I consent to go away at once, but where can I go?"

Gobind.   "To Calcutta. I will give you a letter to a friend I have there. He will buy a house for you; it will cost you nothing.”

Rohini.   "What will become of my uncle?"

Gobind.   "He will be with you, or I should not have bid you go to Calcutta."

Rohini.   "How shall we live there?"

Gobind.   "My friend will obtain employment for your uncle."

Rohini.   "Will my uncle consent to leave this place?"

Gobind.   "Can't you persuade him to do so after what has occurred?"