Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/90

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Gobind Lâl was in a difficulty. In the morning he had felt no embarrassment in speaking to his uncle of Rohini, but now he felt ashamed because he had talked with Rohini about what had occurred at the Bârunî tank. The old man enjoyed the sport. Seeing that Gobind Lâl could not bring himself to say anything, he started talking about his estate, then family matters, and again a law suit, never once alluding to Rohini. Gobind Lâl could in no way introduce the matter. In the recesses of his mind Krishna Kanta indulged himself in hearty laughter. The old man was very wicked.

In desperation the young man turned to go, when Krishna Kanta, taking compassion on his favourite nephew, called him back, saying, "That woman, for whom you stood surety this morning, has she confessed anything?"

Then Gobind Lâl, finding the road made clear for him, briefly related Rohini's story. The interview on the tank steps he concealed.

Krishna Kanta then asked, "What do you wish should be done to her?"

Ashamed, Gobind Lâl answered, "Whatever you wish, we also wish."