Page:Kristen Gordon v Sens Catering Group Pty Ltd.pdf/5

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while they were closing to talk to Dream Nareekul. Ms Veas said she was packing up the shop when Ms Wang received messages from the Applicant that made her so angry she smashed her phone on the counter, jumped up and down while screaming at Dream Nareekul she must "FIRE HER (Kristen) IMMEDIATELY" and to get a new supervisor, she doesn't care what it costs.

[24] Ms Veas said it was a very aggressive display and very uncomfortable. Ms Veas said she asked to see the messages to understand why Ms Wang was so angry. Ms Veas said they were normal messages and she told Ms Wang she didn't think the Applicant meant anything bad by them. Ms Veas said Ms Wang replied that the Applicant was arguing with her, and because there were no emojis, she meant what she was saying to be rude. Ms Veas said she told Ms Wang that is just how the Applicant writes texts, but Ms Wang was furious and kept saying over and over to Dream Nareekul, to fire the Applicant immediately.

[25] Ms Veas said that afternoon, she was called by Dream Nareekul who offered Ms Veas the Applicant's job. Ms Veas said Dream Nareekul sounded unsure about what she was asking. Ms Veas said without warning, Ms Wang took the phone off Dream Nareekul and told Ms Veas she will give $60,000 to do the Applicant's job. Ms Veas said Ms Wang also said "are you worried about hurting her feelings? Don't worry about that we have wanted to get rid of Kristen for a long time." Ms Veas said when she said no and said she needed to talk to Ms Gordon first, Ms Wang said she would pay Ms Veas whatever she wanted to take the role, and to "name my price." Ms Veas said Ms Wang told her that either way Ms Gordon is gone, so if she says no, they will get a new supervisor anyway, and Ms Veas will miss the opportunity. Ms Veas said the situation was very abrupt and made no sense to her, and she felt uncomfortable and declined the position. Ms Veas said she talked with the Applicant that afternoon and warned her bad things were happening.

Sunday 13 March 2022

[26] The next afternoon after she had worked a full shift, the Applicant said the manager Dream Nareekul and her partner 'John' asked to talk to her and told her they were forced to dismiss her. The Applicant stated that Dream Nareekul was in tears through this and stated she tried many times to change Ms Wang's mind, since the Applicant was an integral part of the operation, but Ms Wang was adamant the Applicant was to be fired immediately. The Applicant said she asked for a reason, and the best 'John' could say was because the business is getting rid of any staff that didn't agree with the owners, and the Applicant didn't always agree with what Ms Wang wanted.

[27] The Applicant submitted that Dream Nareekul then asked her to stay for at least one week but at best until 23 March because Dream Nareekul was going to be in Sydney organising her visa, and they needed the Applicant and did not have a replacement. The Applicant submitted that she asked, "Did you tell Phoebe (Ms Wang) you won't be here, therefore you can't fire me now?" And she said yes, but she doesn't care.

[28] The Applicant stated that she was also asked by Dream Nareekul to stay until the Wednesday 23 March, as the roster was already out and they were already short on staff. The Applicant stated that she agreed to do shifts to assist Dream Nareekul during this time and her last day of work was 23 March 2022.