Page:Kutenai Tales.djvu/134

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Kutenai Tales

(e) The Lynx Children

The two young Lynxes (Short Faces) arrived. There was the tent of Lynx. | His wife had two children, twins. Lynx started | to look for soup. His wife was to drink it in order to get || milk. He 170 arrived where the salmon were. | Lynx looked for them. One day he got one. | He ate it all. He staid there another night. On the following day he looked again, | and he got one more. He was there a long time, but he kept nothing | because he ate it at once. Then the two children grew up. || One of them said to his mother: "Who 175 is our father ?" His mother said: | "Your father went that way." He said to his mother : "What | is he looking for ?" His mother said : "He is looking for salmon for you, | but he did not come back." The two children listened, | and went together where somebody was to be the sun. || The children said: "We will go, we shall be the sun." | 180 Then they started. They went. They saw a lake. | There was an old man. He was looking for fish. | They knew it was their father. He was poor. They said to him: | "What are you here for?" Lynx said, he said to them: || "Long ago I had two children. Then I 185 started | to look for soup, which my wife was to drink to get milk | for my children. I can not kill them." He was told by the youths: | "Well, say that again." Lynx said: "I | raise the water with you." Then the two youths saw the water rising. || Lynx said: "Let the 190 water go down with you." And | the water went down. Then the two youths saw | many salmon. They took sticks and | killed the salmon. They saw their father | going after them. He went after one to kill it, and they laughed at him. || Lynx looked at the pile of 195 salmon. He was told: | "Now you try!" Then he knew it. He ran after them. | He was glad. He knew they were his children. He was told: " We are going | where they are playing sun. You | go back to your wife."

(f) The Animals Make the Sun (continued)

Then the two youths started, and they arrived at the town. | They 200 were told by the chief: "To-morrow you | will go." One night passed, and early he started. | Then he went up. It was almost cool. Then | he came up, and it was almost warm. When || it was almost noon, it 205 was warm. Then at noon | it was warm. Shade was made. Then