Page:Kutenai Tales.djvu/40

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Kutenai Tales

Panther. He thought: "I will break wind against him." Then he turned his backside to him. Panther took off his last finger-nail and put it on his arrow. He shot Skunk. Panther killed Skunk.

18. The Mosquito

Mosquito went along. He saw a town. He was told: "Come, eat choke cherries." Mosquito said: "I don't eat choke cherries." Mosquito went along. He saw a town. He was told: "Come, you shall eat service berries." Mosquito said: "I don't eat service berries." Mosquito went on. Mosquito was going along. He saw a town. He was told: "Come, you shall eat blood." Mosquito went there. He ate blood. He ate much. His belly became big. He went out again. He broke sticks and all (?). Mosquito died. Little birds flew out of him. Those were mosquitoes. "Wuu, wuu! you are a manitou; you shall be mosquitoes."

swaʼs. (Panther.) qałwi′yne· (He thought) ktsłaatsukpu′x̣a. (he would break wind again.) ta′x̣as qaox̣ak!ałax̣eʽkpᵢne·. (Then he turned his backside up.) ło·kᵘι′ne· (He broke off) kiapt!aha′nłukp (the claws) swaʼ. (Panther.) qaox̣ak!o′ᵤne· (He pointed) a′ₐʽk!e·s. (his arrow.) mι′tx̣ₐne· (He shot) x̣a′x̣as·. (Skunk.) nʼupι′łne· (He killed) x̣a′x̣as· (Skunk) swaʼ. (Panther.)

18. The Mosquito

Qa·na′x̣e· (He went) qatsts!a′ła. (Mosquito.) nʼu′px̣ₐne· (He saw) sak.łunamι′sᵢne·. (a village was there.) qakiłι′łne· (He was told:) ła′n·a ("Come,) ι′ke·nʼ (eat) aₐʽke′łma·k!" (choke cherries.") qake′ᵢne· (He said) qatsts!a′ła (Mosquito:) hutsqa.ι′kᵢne· ("I do not eat) aₐʽke′łma·k!. (choke cherries.) ts!ιna′x̣e· (He started) qatsts!a′ła. (Mosquito.) nʼu′px̣ₐne· (He saw) sak.łunamι′sᵢne·. (a village was there.) qakiłι′łne· (He was told:) ła′n·a ("Come,) hιntsx̣ałʼι′kᵢne· (you shall eat) sq!u′m·o (service berries.") qake′ᵢne· (He said) qatsts!a′ła (Mosquito:) hutsqa.ι′kᵢne· ("I do not eat) sq!u′m·o. (service berries.") ts!ιna′x̣e· (He started) qatsts!a′ła. (Mosquito.) qana′x̣e·. (He went along.) nʼu′px̣ₐne· (He saw) sak.łunamι′sᵢne·. (there was a village) qakełι′łne· (He was told:) ła′n·a ("Come,) hιntsx̣ałʼι′kᵢne· (you shall eat) wa′ʼnmo. (blood.") qaox̣a′x̣e· (He went there) qatsts!a′ła. (Mosquito.) ι′kᵢn·e· (He ate) wa′ʼnmoʼs. (blood.) yunaqa′pse· (Much) ι′kᵢne·. (he ate.) wιłwu′mne·. (His belly was big.) łaanax̣a′mne· (He went out again,) nʼupła′pse· (he was killed) łoᵤk!s (stick) ł!ełʼanax̣o′se·ts. (broke him (?).) nʼi′pᵢne· (He died) qatsts!a′ła. (Mosquito.) tsaqona′ne· (Little) tuq!wιtsqa′mna (birds) qakx̣a·łʼananox̣u′n·e (flew out,) pał () ι′n·e· (those were) qatsts!a′ła. (Mosquitoes.) wu′u, wu′u ("Wu'u, wu'u!) nϋpι′k!a (a manitou) nι′nko. (you.) kι′nłeᵢn (You shall be) qatsts!a′ła. (mosquitoes.")