Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1921 Vol. 14 nr. 1.pdf/3

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Only in hope to God my soul is silent; from him comes my salvation. Psalm 62, 2.

Kristiania 26. — 11. — 20.

My Dear Sisters in the Lord!

Another year is soon gone, a year full of suffering and distress for our suffering and dying brothers and sisters down in Armenia. Is there anyone in the world who needs our sympathy and love more than this people in the "valley of the shadow of death"? Imagine, it is our brothers and sisters who suffer and are persecuted, hungry and freezing. How easily we get used to suffering and distress, and how little we feel and suffer with those who die daily, some a sudden death, others inch by inch.

Our brother's voice of blood is still crying from the earth to heaven. . . Surely the Lord will punish the Turks for all their atrocities against the Armenians; but he will also judge the Christian nations who let the little defenseless people bleed out without rushing to their aid.

However, whether the Christian nations will or cannot help, the Lord can. It is from him salvation comes, and it is only in hope of this strong, faithful God that our soul can be silent as we think of the Armenian people in its boundless need.