Page:L. Richard's ... Comprehensive geography of the Chinese empire and dependencies ... translated into English, revised and enlarged (IA lrichardscompreh00rich).pdf/19

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teristics. Geological constitution, 177. — Orography. Climate. Hydrography, 178. — Fanna and Flora. Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, 180. — Population (People). Language. Cities and Principal centres, 181. — Industry and Commerce, 182. — Open Ports. Note, 183. — 2°. Kweichow: Area. Populatiou. Name. Boundaries. Capital, Other Prefectures, 184. — Aspect and Characteristics. Geological constitution. Orography, 185. — Climate. Hydrography, 187. — Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, 187. — Population (People). Language. Cities and Principal Centres, 188. — Industry and Commerce. Highways of communication, 190. — Note. References, 191-193.


Region of the Middle and Lower Si-kiang (Kwangsi and Kwangtung), 194-216.

Kwangsi and Kwangtung Provinces, 194. — 1°. Kwangsi: Area. Population. Name. Boundaries. Capital. Other Prefectures, 195. — Aspect and Characteristics. Geological constitution. Orography. Climate. Hydrography, 196. — Fauna and Flora. Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, 198. — Population (People). Language. Cities and Principal Centres, 199. — Industry and Commerce. Highways of connnunication. Open Ports, 200. Note, 201. — 2°. Kwangtung: Area. Population. Name. Boundaries. Capital. Other Prefectures, 202. — Aspect and Characteristics. Geological constitution. Orography, 203. — Climate. Hydrography, 204. — Fauna and Flora. Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, 206. — Population (People). Language. Towns and Principal Centres, 207. — Note (Hongkong, Macao, Kwang-chow-wan). Industry and Commerce. Highways of communication, 211. — Open Ports, 212. — References, 213-216.


The Coast Region (Fokien and Chêkiang), 217-237.

Fokien and Chekiang Provinces, 217. — 1°. Fokien: Area. Population. Name. Boundaries. Capital. Other Prefectures, 218. — Aspect and Characteristics. Geological constitution. Orography. Climate, 219. — Hydrography, 220. — Fauna and Flora, Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, 221. — Population (People). Language. Cities and Principal Centres, 222. — Industry and Commerce. Highways of communication, 225. — Open Ports. Note, 226. — 2°. Chêkiang: Area. Population. Name. Boundaries. Capital. Other Prefectures, 227. — Aspect and Characteristics. Geological constitution. Orography, 228. — Climate, Hydrography, 229. — Fauna and Flora, Agricultural and Mineral Wealth, 231. — Population (People). Language. Cities and Principal Centres, 232. — Industry and Commerce. Highways of communication. Open Ports. Note, 235. — References, 236-237.


Preliminary observation, 238. — 1°. General Notions: Extent of the coast-line. Its configuration. Seas, 289. — General remarks on the seas of China (the Yellow Sea, Eastern China Sea, South-China Sea), 241. — Nature of the coast, 242. — Coast winds. Winter and Summer Monsoons, 243. — Cyclones. Continental landstorms. Typhoons, 215. — Fogs. Lighthouses, buoys and beacons, 246. — Tides, 249. — 2°. The Coast of Chihli: The Poh-hai. Gulfs. Islands, Ice, 251. — Winds. Nature of the Coast. Ports, 252. — 3°. The Coast of Shantung: A. The N. W. Coast. B. The Miao-tao Islands, 253. — C. The Coast of the Shantung Promontory. Bays. Capes, 254. — Islands. Ice. Wind. Tide. Nature of Coast. Lighthouses, 255. — Coast-towns (Chefoo, Weihaiwei, T'singtao), 256. — 4°. The Coast of Kiangsu: A. The Coast to the N. of the Yangtze. B. The mouth of the Yangtze