Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/112

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86 LABOUR IN MADRAS Messrs. Binny & Co. Now those terms have been thoroughly discussed with your 18 representatives this afternoon by myself and by Mr. Andrews. From this you will see that the suffering you have undergone was worth undergoing. In the first place, our Madras Labour Union gets official recognition from Messrs. Binny & Co. The second point I would like you to bear in mind is that, when the Mills are opened on the terms that we are proposing, our friend, Mr. C. F. Andrews, will remain with us for six weeks. He will be staying in one of the cottages newly built by Messrs. Binny & Co., near the Mills. He will have access to the Mills any time of day or night. You will have access to his rooms any time of day or night. That being so, we must recognize the fact that we will be able to improve many things which at present need improvement in the two Mills. Therefore you must bear in mind that, while the Mills are opened on the terms that we are putting forward, there will be further improvement on account of the agreement which Messrs. Binny & Co. have come to with us, of having our friend, Mr. Andrews, examine everything. Now I am going to read to you the resolution which we have to pass here, which our 18 representatives take to morrow morning to the Mills. This meeting of the Madras Labour Union hereby appoints 18 members to come to an agreement with the Mill owners on the following terms : (i) Expression of regret for recent assault on Europeans and promise to do their utmost that this shall not happen again. (ii) The promise on the part of the Manager that