Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/114

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88 LABOUR IN MADRAS victory lies. During the last few weeks the Mill authorities have thought it necessary to declare the two lock-outs. I need not tell you that those lock-outs were meant to bring us to a position where we may be forced to disband our Labour Union. Now the sesult of that is that, instead of Labour Union being disbanded, Messrs. Binny and Co., re cognze its constitution. That victory will enable us to carry on our work in future, to get other concessions and other improvements. That is then victory No.1. I will come to the second great victory that we are gaining in this fight. You will remember in the notice of last Friday, Messrs. Binny and Co. tried to create disunity and separation between members of the Labour Union by saying that they would open other departments but the weaving shed was to remain closed. Now in the new terms that we are bringing about it is clear that our Libour Union members and all labourers of all departments having stood together will enter the Mills together. I will now come to victory No. 3. You will remember that some months ago there was a dispute between myself as President of the Madras Labour Union and Messrs. Biony and Co., regarding the treatment meeted out to labourers by its European officers. That time what looked like a defeat for us comes out to-day a victory for us, for the manager undertakes to promise that in future 20 illtreatment will be given to labourers, that good treatment will be given to the labourers and that he will look into every case of ill-treatment when it comes before him. The third victory lies in the fact of admission on the part of Messrs. Binoy and Co., that. in future at any rate, never mind what was in the past, no ill-treat