Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/134

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108 LABOUR IN MADRAS Madras, 2nd Oct. 1918. Mr. Sugundapuri Mudaliar, Madras. With reference to your complaint against me in the Egmore Police Court, I regret what happended on the occasion and I assure you that such a thing will not happen again. (Sd.) J. SOUTHWORTH. Messrs. Binny & Co.'s European Officers seem to forget that the above cast a slur on their conduct. Mr. Alexander admits pushing a man and “turning his head” (I would like friends to picture the situation); Mr. Southwörth apologizes and promises not to do again what was complained against-abusive words and a blow with the fist. I want to ask Sir Clement Simpson if he considers this kind of behaviour of Messrs. Alexander and Southworth quite gentlemanly? PROVOCATION Let me print another statement and ask Sir Clement -I name him because many labourers have spoken highly of his courteous and gentlemanly manner--if he does not think that illiterate labourers would be provoked if constantly goaded in the manner indicated in the statement. To Mr. B. P. Wadia, President, Madras Labour Union, Madras. Sir,-We, the Mill hands of the Carnatic and Buckingham Mills, beg to bring the following facts : The European officers of the above Mills ill-treated us in every possible way. Whenever we ask them oil and other necessiry things for work, they say : “Go to Wadia, he will give you oil and all other things you want.". In rainy season, we go there completely wet, and