Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/144

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118 LABOUR IN MADRAS that morning and he had not had a morsel. Grant for one moment that the labourers are wrong and Messrs. Binny & Co. are right, which they are not, but it seems to me our duty as Indians is to stand by our brothers, and help the labourers who have shown 'the spirit of unity and for 19 long weary days have stood like heroes in the great struggle. If the Indian nation is composed of such men we need not be afraid of our future. Fifthly the following relief measures were announced by Mr. Wadia: on December 19th : I am glad to be able to announce the following two measures of relief to the members of the Madras Labour Union towards the alleviation of their sufferings caused by recent events: Beginning with next Sunday, rice will be sold to members at 3} measures full. So far good country rice had been sold at our store at 3} measures and the price is now lowered to 3. measures per rupee for rice equally good and healthy. Every member will, es at present, be enabled to buy rice up to three rupees on every Sunday for four weeks. The expenses towards this will be met from the Relief Fund. Secondly, it has been represented to me that members of the Union are compelled to borrow small amounts of money at extortionate rates of interest amounting often to two annas per month per rupee. I have arranged with the Royapetta Bank Ltd. to open a branch at Choolai for the benefit of the members of the Union, ard loans will be given at a rate of interest not exceeding two pies per rupee. Rules governing these loans are being drawn up now, and the Union