Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/152

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have not very carefully studied yet the position which has led you to this particular strike but I am sure that with the help of your leader, the President, Mr. Kumaraswamy Chetti, you will be able to bring the strike to a successful close. Whatever the issue of the strike whatever the causes, and whatever the result of the strike may be, the one advice I would give you is, in whatever you do stand all together and act unitedly. That is the one essential factor that you will, have to bear in mind. The second thing that I would like to remind you of is this, that the success of your strike will depend on two things on the righteousness and the truthfulness of the cause which has led you to strike work ; secondly, the manner of righteousness and truthfulness by which you will carry on your work in the days of strike. Days of hardship and suffering are before you, and my advice to you is, never do during these days anything which will bring the least discredit to your good name. In everything you do take the advice of the President of your Union. Mr. Kumara wsamy Chetti has been with you for sometime now. You know him and he knows your aspirations, thoughts and discussions. Therefore, my advice to you is stand all united like one man, follow the leader when he gives you advice, consult among yourselves and behave in a noble, and good and peaceful fashion. On March 13th MY BROTHERS,--This is the third day of your strike and it is clear that public opinico is in your favour and sympathises with your requirements. It is equally clear that the employers want to be emphatic in their refusal to grant your requests. Therefore before