Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/156

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later on. There is a very great danger if any settlement is arrived at without the sanction of the President of the Union. The first thing will be, it will be said, that you have not obeyed your President, that the President has not been able to do much for you and that you came to tcrms through the help of other people. Those of you who have taken great and active part in this struggle will suffer, and once the Union is weakened then you will not be able to carry on the struggle which you will have to carry on. Never mind even if you have to be defeated. It is better to be defeated remaining in the Union, defeated with the help of the Union, than, to succeed letting the Union go down. You must make the terms of settlements as members of the Union and if the Union's terms are not accepted then you should not accept any terms that are ofered to you. Now I say that thing purposely to you to-diy becaus: efforts may be made in the coming days to win you away from the Union. You may even be told that you will be given everything that you want if you disown the Union. Efforts should be made to see that the Union is thoroughly recognized. Because it will be the effort of all the employers to weaken the cause of labour unions in this country. You yourselves see the difference between the strike that took place a few months ago and the strike that is going on. You are more successful to-day because you have the Union. That is why you must get yourselves ready and prepared to stand by the Union for another fifteen days, for another month if need be, and see that the struggle is a real success and that you gain a great and fine victory. Don't lose heart, and remember that the struggle in which you have gathered is a