Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/160

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134 LABOUR IN MADRAS said that they had already consulted you all and knew fully what answer you were going to give. But I advised them to consult you once again, to sleep over the decision for a night and to come together again now. I see that you are all determined and thoroughly approve of the decision your Committee came to. I have seen the text of the resolutions to be passed here and I congratulate you on the firmness you have shown, and pray that the Rishis and Devas may bless you and give you strength to endure and to sacrifice and emerge victorious from this fight, come out triumphant in this struggle, Continue to be peaceful and righteous in your ways in the days that are to come, as you have been in the days that lie behind. Depend on your own selves and lean first on your own moral strength, and may the gods give you the boon you desire and certainly deserve. During this Tramwaymen's strike two public meetings were held, the first at the Gokhale Hall, March 23rd, under the presidenoy of Mrs. Annie Besant, at which Mr. Wadia moved the following resolution, and made the following speech : "This public meeting of the citizens of Madras in view of the frequent industrial troubles now occurring, requests the Government of Madras to devise immediate measures to prevent them by the creation of Arbitration Boards for the settlement of all outstanding differences." He said : There are two or three important points which are embodied in this resolution. The first wbich needs explanation is the assertion that industrial troubles of late have become frequent in this City of Madras, and