Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/174

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148 LABOUR IN MADRAS be and realize what their spirit is, to go on for three weeks in a manner which is almost divine in its resignation. Without work, knowing at the end of the month there will be no money for them with the poor financial res ponse from the public of Madras--that is the spirit and it is commendable. It is the spirit which is going to make up Indian citizenship in future. And I would like you, therefore, to consider your position, your own responsibility in the matter. I thoroughly agree that the Government shall interfere, the Corporation shall interfere, but there is another body which could interfere more effectively that the Govenment and the Corporation, that body is the public of Madras. I want you to take into consideration that aspect of the question. BOYCOTT To-day I am told a few tramcars are running. I am informed, and I can only repeat the information, that it is not because some of the strikers have gone back, but because outside men have been imported into the city of Madras. If that is so, what is your duty ? You, who are using it, boycott it. (Cheers). It is a clear issue and you ought to face it. If we are not going to face it as citizens of Madras, it would be of little use to ask the Government to interfere or the Corporation to interfere. Another thing that you should note—the Municipal Commissioners. Every single one of you who has a vote, please tell your Commissioner that unless he takes immediate steps he will not have your vote in future There is no use sending your own men and let them do what they are doing. If the Company sits quiet, equally negligent are your Commissioners. You should bring pressure to bear upou them. It is no use their saying: