Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/181

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155 Mr. Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar as Vice-President, and put so and so, labourers themselves, as President and Vice-President." Do not do it. For any reduction in hours, for any rise in wages, do not accept those two things. I want to remind you that many things I have said here from time to time in this way have come true. I warn you that some such thing will happen while I am away. You must guard your interests and refuse to listen to people on those two fundamental central principles. Then do not forget that the strength of the Union lies in the moral basis, the spiritual foundations on which our Union is raised. Our principles have been to recognize every single member of this Union as our brother. Stand united like one man, and in the second place do not forget the lesson which I have preached here over and over again : that you must not let your selves be insulted in any way by people who call themselves superiors, educated, learned or wise ; refuse to accept any word of insult that comes from any quarter, be that quarter a Foreign capitalist or an Indian capitalist. In all times of difficulty and struggle depend on your own selves and remember that the great Rishis of India the great Devas of India, are watching your cause and they will test you in terms of truth and righteousness, and by truth and righteousness alone you will win the victory. More than what Mrs. Besant can do, more than what our friend Mr. John Scurr can do, more than what I can do in England-everything will depend on you who will stand by your principles, united, organized, and fight all those powers of evil of which Mr. Scurr spoke. We are merely your representatives, instruments to carry your message to England. The real struggle