Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/190

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When in Great Britain, he visited besides various Labour Party organizations in London, the following places : Southport, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Letchworth, Bow, Battersea, Norwood, Chelsea, Hove, Preston, Birkenhead, Wigan, Rochdale, Burnley, Bolton, Manchester York, Newcastle, Harrogate, Glasgow (second time) Bath, Cardiff, Bristol, Haywards Heath, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, Wellesley. At each of these places he spoke on the subject of Indian Labour and gained a sympathetic hearing most encouraging for the cause. GLASGOW TRADE UNION CONGRESS All that is possible in this volume is to make a passing note of the enthusiasm of the British Trade Union Congress over Mr. Wadia's appeal at their Glasgow session in September 1919. The note of the international unity of labour struck by Mr. Wadia evoked a very hearty response, which manifested in not only an unmistakable but a very remarkable fashion. The cause of Indian Labour gained very much at that Congress. The British press spoke Very sympathetically about Indian Labour conditions referring to Mr. Wadia's speech. The Daily Mail characterized it as “a tremendous reception "; the Daily Herald referred to it as a " noble reception"; and the Morning Post as a "a great ovation." The Labour Leader said “The most striking scene of the week took place when Mr. Wadia concluded an impassioned oration on behalf of the down-trodden workers of India, who have just formed the new Trades