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LABOUR IN MADRAS 199 SUB-APPENDIX B. The following letter was sent to the Rt. Hon. Charles Bowerman, M. P., the Parliamentary Como mittee of the Trades Union Congress, and to the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, Secretary of the Labour Party. The Madras Labour Union, Perembur Barracks, Gate Road. Dear Sir and Brother, The working masses of the Dominion of India are at last awakening from their slumber. The toilers are organising so that they may be able to control their lives even as their brethren in Great Britain have done. In Madras the first Labour Unions have been formed, and already much good has resulted because the workers have commenced to learn the value of combination. But we are young, and have much to learn, and we desire help from our elder brothers in Great Britain. We have therefore sent our President, Mr. B. P. Wadia, over the seas to ask for your help and advice. We feel that we shall not appeal to you in vain. We have noticed that when your Annual Congress meets there are fraternal delegates present from other parts of the British Commonwealth. We know that you welcome the representatives from Canada, and that your heart goes out to your brothers in that Great Dominion. We ask you to receive at your Congress this year our Brother Wadia as the first fraternal delegate from the toiling masses of the Dominion of India. You have declared that you are working for a great brotherhood of the working class without distinction of creed or colour, and we feel sure therefore that