Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/23

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PREFACE xvii hands; that is not Democracy. There is an additional reason why in the coming months, the educated classes should interest themselves in Labour problems. Because of the agitation carried on and the work done during the last three years, here, in Great Britain and at Washington, labour legislation is bound to come before our legislatures. The law-suit instituted by Messrs. Binny & Co. against me and nine others, will also force the pace of legislation for recognition of Trade Unions. If the educated classes lose the opportunity of evincing a genuine interest on behalf of labour, it will confirm the doubt Indian labour now entertains about the bona fides of those classes and their demand for political emancipation. Labour problems must be regarded as part of the general National problems and the interests of labour must be safeguarded against the inroads by Capital, both Indian and foreign. If at the very outset this is not done, we shall open an era of class struggle between Labour and Capital; and who wants that in India ? • To this end certain principles have to be borne in mind. First, the Indian labourer's right to citizenship must be fully recognized. Legislation must cease to regard him as a "hand", in letter and spirit. Citizenship implies a condition of freedom and the labourers are not far removed from a state of slavery. Wage-slavery is only one remove from