Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/249

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LABOUR IN MADRA 8 223 reports of whatever is appearing in your English papers and all the ghastly reports which have appeared about the Russian Revolution have been copied in the Indian papers. You yourself would not conceal those results from your people ?... No, certainly not. You speak of the excessive hours and the premature exhaustion and so-forth. Does that come to you really as the result of complaints or from the observation of yourself and your friends ?...As complaints reached me from labourers working in a few of the mills, I made investigations and researches at first hand, and then, as the result of them we decided to form a labour Union, and we have been working at it for the last sixteen months. Have you in mind always the danger that too much or too sudden action of the character you indicate might check the influx of British capital which I think you will agree is very desirable in India ?... I do not know that I would fully agree with that statement; it would take us altogether into a new line of thought. I do not wish to raise any economic question at all; if you do not think the influx of British capital into India beneficial, I have no more to ask you about that; I think your attitude is, that it is not beneficial, is it not? CHAIRMAN Mr. Wadia did not say that; he said that it was a large question, and that he could not answer in one sentance ?... I would have to cover a fair plot of ground. SIR J. D. Rees Could you not say whether you thought it was beneficial or not? His Lordship does not mean to check