Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/252

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226 LABOUR IN MADRAS strong. You really feel tbat ?... Yes, from my personal experience at these various Labour Unions, I think I can safely say that their political instincts are strong and their judgment sound and full of common sense. You did not make this recommendation as to the occupants of houses and premises (this is the one you chiefly rely upon) of the annual rental value of 48 rupees in towns and 24 rupees outside, and so on anywhere?... Yes, it was published in a little transaction of the NeoFabian Society of Madras, which I hold in my hand. Those are my data. And you think that the Madras Government adopted a very obstinate and retrogressive attitude towards you ?......That is my opinion. What is the authority for the figure-it may be perfectly right but it astonishes me—that the total number of workers in large industrial establishments is 17 millions? ... It is in the Statistical Abstract of British India, which the India Office publishes. I can look that up for myself. You propose that all labourers working in factories and earning a particular wage should be given the vote, and then you make certain proposals : Again, were they laid before the Madras Government when they were making their recommendations ?-No. Then you finish your very interesting memorandum, if I may venture to so describe it, by saying that in Madras, Muslims, Indian Christians, and Panchamas work harmoniously together for their own welfare, and no Brahmana or non-Brahmana question has ever arisen, which is a ridiculous movement started by some interested people, but that workers will not