Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/266

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240 LABOUR IN MADRAS Under the Act, capitalists will form a powerful element in the Madras Council, and even the nominal device to be utilised in the case of Bombay and Calcutta is pot proposed for Madras. This is very undesirable for in it one cannot but see the seed of future trouble in Madras. In my evidence last year I referred to the growing restlessness of Indian labour. May I draw your Lordship's attention and that of your Committee to the fact that during the last few months there have been a number of strikes, some of then very serious, in Sholapur Ahmedabad, Bombay, Madras, Jamshedpur, Lahore, etc. Also may I point out that the textile workers of Madras, with their Union, have not gone on strike ? Perhaps for the reason that we passed through a satisfactory struggle in 1918. Further, that when those men of the Madras Union were struggling there was no manifestation of disorderly conduct. If that be so, are the Madras textile workers to be penalised for their enterprise in organising theinselves? Or is it reasonable to suppose that their good conduct will continue if they feel that they have been discriminated against in the matter of the franchise ? Hence may I suggest that it is very essential that a beginning should be made in Madras similar to that in the two other Presidencies? I sinerely trust that this appeal on behalf of the textile workers of Madras will find favour with your Lordship's Commitee. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordsbip's obedient servant, B. P. WADIA, President, Madras Labour Union.