Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/32

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the battle till victory is gained. From that point of view, we know of no defeat. YOUR RIGHTS In this beautiful world of God, every human being has a right to have sufficient to eat, sufficient knowledge to enjoy the beauties of Ishwara, and if the conditions of society, if the conditions of trade and commerce make that thing impossible, then those people who believe in religion, as I do those who believe in the act of Providence and blessing of God, it is their duty to remove these faults. It you want to remove your difficulties, you al ne can remove them and we are willing to help you, but you must enable us to understand your difficulties and problems. Trust us with friendship as we trust you, and hand-in-hand we shall march onwards, and take our rightful place xvhen Swaraj comes to this country, and gain for ourselves what labourers in other countries have gained for themseives, viz., prosperity, victory and the right of peaceful citizenship. - SECOND MEETING The second meeting of the Textile Workers was held on April 20th, 1918, under the auspices of Shri Venkatesa Gunamrita Varshani Sabha in the compound of Ramanujammal's bungalow, near Barracks Road when Mr. Wadia made the following speech : Since we met last Saturday it was arranged that you should have another meeting here at which I should bring one of our best Tamil speakers, Mr. K. Balasubramania Aiyar. During the last week a very important event happened as far as people who belong to your class