Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/50

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figure than the labourers are obliged to pay at Perambur, and he told me that the opening of such stores may be considered by his firm. I am grateful to His Excellency for thus bringing about a friendly relationship between Mr. Symonds and myself, for I am sure it will greatly facilitate my work among the labourers, which I believe to be of great value for the country and the Government. Under the circumstances I hope His Excellency will look upon my work at Perambur in a different light. I am sorry that I cannot act up to His Excellency's suggestion, and“ wird up " this piece of work, for my sense of duty to the poor labourers, at whose call I under. took this work, makes such a course impossible. As Mr. Symonds does not seem to hold that Sir Clement would take the view His Excellency feared he would take, I hope His Excellency will not regard my response to his call for co-operation as inadequate. If, however, His Excellency is not in a position to see his way to accept such co-operation as I can offer, I have only to assure His Excellency that it will not deter me from doing what I can to help His Excellency's very difficult work in the coming months. I need not add that if now or at any time, I can be of any service to His Excellency, I shall be most happy to render it. Sincerely yours, B. P. WADIA. P.S.-Will you kindly draw the attention of His Excellency to the further telegrams from Masulipatam, regarding the looting of food shops? (New India of May 22, p. 9) I am afraid we shall have to face this situation in