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LABOUR IN MADRAS 37 single case of grievance at the Labour Union Office and I promise to do whatever is necessary. Whatever you do, do not strike ; some of you feel very strongly and are apt to act without previously consulting me; I appeal to you not to do that, for thus you will bring the whole movement into discredit. Time is on your side ; our cause is sacred; what we say is the truth ; our ways should be those of peace, sacrifice and suffering. Be courageous, be firm and trust in God and your own Atman. Difficulties are ahead of us but triumph will crown our labours, if you, the poor hard worked, ill-fed brothers, will join hands with us and win Freedom for our dear Motherland. Out of the above speech arose the somewhat peculiar incident which in fairness to all concerned must be narrated at this stage. Messrs. Binny & Co., sent a letter through their solicitore, Brightwell and Morseby, dated 24th July, as under : HIGH COUBT HOUSE, MADBAS, 24TH JULY, 1918. BRIGHTWELL & MORESBY, MADRAS, Solicitors & Notarios. B.P. WADIA ESQ., MANAGER, " New India". Sir, We have been consulted by Mr. A. P. Symonas, Manager of Mcgsrs. Binny & Co., Ltd., and Director of the Buokingham and Carnatio Mille Co., Ltd. with reference to a speech made by you at Perambur, on the 13th instant, reported in the newspaper New India of Monday July the 16th beaded "Madras Labour Union Saturday's meeting, "Important speech of Mr. Wadia". We are inetrooted to call your attention to the watatements made by you ao follows: "My men love mean the labourers of Carnatic. Backingham or Choolai Mills do not love their superiors. My man feel and are