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48 LABOUR IN MADRAS Central Labour Board where various leaders of the city of Madras will come together, you may be assured that something tangible will be done for you at an early date. Next Saturday being Deepavali day there will be no meeting but the following Saturday we will meet here, and I shall try to be present to speak to you. I want you all to be present then and listen to what I have to say to you. PARTIAL ADMISSION OF MEN The labourers working in the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills who had been shut out of the Mills dur. ing the last three or four days agreeably to the insistent advice of Mr. B. P. Wadia to the men to obey the orders of the Mill authorities, appeared at the gates of the Mills this morning punctually at 6 o'clock. As the thousands of tbe men were entering the Mills through the half closed gates and while not all who were outside had gone in-about 2,000 men were left outside the gates of each of the two Mills-even the half open gates were suddenly closed. The Dy. Commissioner Rao Bahadur Bhavanandam Pillay, about ten European Sergeants and several Constables who were there, asked the men left outside the Mills to go back to their houses. Sir Clement Simpson was also there. One of the men present outside told Mr. Bhavanandam Pillay that all the men had come to the Mills long before 6 A. M. in spite of the rain, in obedience to the advice given to them by Mr. Wadia, and it was a matter for deep regret that all of them were not admitted into the mills. It was represented to Mr. Bhavanandam Pillay that as the men had been treated so unfairly by the Mill. authorities in spite of their having followed the advice of