Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/88

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62 LABOUR IN MADRAS (1) That this meeting of the Madras Labour Union records with extreme regret the reported assaults on the European officers of the two Mills and appeal to all its members to put the principles of the Union into force by helping the Police to trace the culprits. O (2) That this meeting of the Madras Labour Union regrets the action of the Mill authorities in ordering a lock-out of the two Mills, thereby causing intense suffer ing to labourers in these hard times of economic distress, and hereby urges the Mill authorities to resume work, On November 29th another meeting was held at which Mr. Wadia presided and made the following speech : Yesterday afternoon speaking to you in this place I referred to the petition that hundreds among you had signed and given me to request Mahatma Gandhi to come to Madras. Yesterday afternoon after going away from this meeting, I considered that petition for a considerably long time. The only thing about it which I hesitated was that I was not sure about the health and condition of our great leader. Now I learn that Mahatma Gandhi is in good health and therefore I propose a resolution which you should pass at this meeting authorising me to telegraph to Mahatma Gandhi to come immediately to our city of Madras. The resolution runs thus: “ That this meeting of the Madras Labour Union rejoices at the news that Mahatma Gandhi is in good health and hereby requests its President Mr. Wadia to send a message to Mahatma Gandhi with a prayer that he may immediately come to Madras to assist the labourers in this hour of great crisis."