Page:Lachmi Bai Rani of Jhansi.djvu/28

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"Nonsense ! What mischief can she do. Her talons have been well pared for any evil that she might design."

"My dear Vane," said the Commissioner sagely.

"Never underestimate the power and resources of a woman, if she nourishes a grievance."

"A grievance? "

"Yes, frankly, though unofficially, I consider that she has a grievance even a just one against us. Now what is her position ? First, we took from her the estate of her affianced husband, that by her law she was clearly en- titled to hold."

"But transferred, I thought, according to the provis- ions of a treaty made with the late Raja."

"True, but still she was none the less a heavy loser by it. Well then, by way of recompense for this, what did we do? We gave her a paltry $30,000 a year."

"A devilish good allowance, I call it," flippantly inter- posed Vane. " I only wish I had $30,000 a year, and the Rani or the deuce might do what they pleased with Jhansi. Dear old Pall Mall would soon see me on the double." The Commissioner refused to notice his companion's light humor.

"Out of that allowance," he proceeded, " small enough in all conscience for one in her position, we insisted on deducting a sinking fund to pay the late Raja's debts." Vane struck his boot a smart rap with the end of his whip.

"Oh, hang it ! " he exclaimed. " That was bad. It's