Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/151

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ball twist on its own axis with certainty; for we do not say we have discovered the correct principle.


One of the most important qualifications of a good thrower, is to pitch with as little hesitation as possible. It is aggravating to see a man holding the ball and looking for the best place to throw ; and though it is well to pitch to the best place, it is folly waiting until a checker gets so near, that your anticipated throw is spoiled, and the man you proposed throwing to, probably checked while you were waiting. If you decide to throw, get all the opportunity and space you can, and do not risk a check. "There's many a slip," &c.; and if you do slip, and a checker within a few feet, your chances of retrieving it will be much lessened. The necessity for throwing very swift—when the ball is to be thrown to a player not checked, but about to be—would often be avoided by throwing instantly.


Do not work your whole body as if you intended propelling yourself after the ball, or were griped.