Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/165

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a short grip. The best grasp, for all purposes, is at the butt, leaving half an inch protrude. The arm should hang at full length, and the stick at the lowest level at which the ball will not fall off. The arm and wrist alone should control the crosse; the body should not be contorted. It is a common play to dandle the ball on the netting when running, and otherwise add variety to the plain carry; and we would recommend players cultivating this dandling of the ball, when carrying near an opponent, and even in many carried dodges. Recently some players have resorted to ingenious constructions of the wooden part of the crosse, to get over the restrictions about bagging the netting. The best we have seen is the stick scooped out from the collar to the tup, thereby making nearly as good a bag as the netting could afford were the old bag allowed. Although this is not illegal, we certainly do not approve of it. It is worse than a high leading string, as the ball is oftener carried next the wood than the string, and has even more objectionable features than are interdicted in the netting, in Rule 1.